Welcome to Mackay's Handyman Alltogether Services (A2S) 0408 948 852
June 1, 2016


also see : House Repairs or Office  Maintenance

Handyman Mackay Property Maintenance service

Popular Handyman Services – Projects

Home & Property Maintenance
Includes repairs, minor improvements, Screens for doors & windows, Bulb Replacement, Fly Screen Repairs, Fly Screen Replacements, Dead Lock Fitting, Gate Repairs, Fence Repairs, Gutter

Repairs, Shower Door/Screen Repairs, Bathroom Cabinet Repairs, Vanity Door Repairs, Bench Tops, Door Repairs, Cabinets, Tile Repairs,  Skirting Replacement, Wall & Door Repairs.

Fitting or Hanging
Pictures, Mirrors, Artwork, Blinds, Curtains, Curtain Rails, Towel Rack, Toilet Roll Holder and TV Brackets.

Painting & Staining
Painting of small projects, deck cleaning & sealing, wall & door holes patched & repaired, etc.

Repair decks, porches, doors, cabinets, disability ramps, and fences, etc.

Please be sure to use sub category tabs and investigate the site to see how else we may be of help.

Locations Serviced Include

Andergrove, Bakers Creek, Beaconsfield, Blacks Beach, Bucasia, Dolphin Heads, East Mackay, Eimeo, Eton, Finch Hatton, Glenella, Habana, Mackay, Marian, Mackay Harbour, Mirani, Mount Pleasant, North Eton, North Mackay, Ooralea, Paget, Pioneer Valley, Racecourse, Rural View, Shoal Point, Slade Point, South Mackay, Te Kowai, Walkerston and West Mackay.

Mackay Property Maintenance

George:  0408 948 852
Email: admin@a2s.com.au
Quick Email: HERE

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